
Kawaller & Company, LLC has presented educational programs in front of hundreds of audiences. Session content encompasses all aspects of derivative instruments, including pricing and arbitrage, hedging and trading applications, and accounting for derivatives. Markets covered include fixed income (money market and capital market) instruments, foreign exchange, precious metals, equities, and commodities.

Kawaller & Company’s in-house programs are tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations that use derivative contracts. Besides enhancing the knowledge base of employees who need to understand derivatives, these programs also provide a cost-effective way to satisfy the CPE credit requirements of internal accounting personnel.

In addition to proprietary training programs, Ira Kawaller also participates in a variety of public conferences and seminars.

Programs begin with the economic foundations for the most prevalent derivatives (futures, forwards, options, and swap), covering how these tools are designed, how they’re priced, what they are supposed to do, and what can go wrong. Then we detail the various accounting treatments and associated requirements (documentation, hedge effectiveness testing, journal entries, and disclosures). Following this foundation we address the special considerations in each of three critical sectors: Interest rates, Currencies, and Commodities.